To my fellow ABC Mississippi members:
It is an honor to serve as chairman of the Mississippi Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors. Throughout our nation’s history, the members of our industry across the country have shaped the framework of our nation’s prosperity. Looking forward, I am proud that the members within our chapter are industriously building and forming the foundation of the future of the state of Mississippi.
We are looking forward to a great year for our chapter and are excited for the opportunities on the horizon. Chiefly, we are aware of the opportunities created by the federal infrastructure, CARES ACT, and State of Mississippi budget surplus. Please know that ABC Mississippi will fight to make sure those funds are allocated responsibly and sensibly.
We have a forward-thinking strategic plan for our chapter in 2022 that is founded on our mission to safeguard the free enterprise system and Merit Shop Philosophy upon which ABC is stationed. Some goals of this plan include:
• Exploring Association Health Plan Options
• Offering Safety Academy
• Continued Legislative Updates
• Achieving $30,000 Annual PAC Goal
• Hosting State PAC Fundraiser
• Hosting CMAR Improvements Roundtable Discussion
• Planning Construction Roundtable with Ryan Miller & Accelerate MS
• Hosting Construction Career Fair
• Reaching Membership Goal of 500 Members
ABC Mississippi is healthy and strong. Our chapter is financially robust and growing. Our event and Annual Convention attendance has increased, and we are eager to foster that continued growth. Thanks to the stewardship of the chairmen who have come before me, this chapter has prospered, and I am humbled and honored to help guide this organization in 2022.
Jason McNeel
2022 Chairman